Create and Apply Styles in the document
Styles/ categories in Word Processor
Styles and Formatting window
Fill Format
Creating and updating new style from selection
Load style from template or another document
Creating a new style using drag-and-drop
Applying styles
Insert and use images in document
Options to insert image to document from various sources.
Options to modify, resize, crop and delete an image. Drawing objects and its properties.
Creating drawing objects and changing its properties. Resizing and grouping drawing objects.
Positioning image in the text.
Create and use template
Using predefined templates
Creating a template
Set up a custom default template
Updating a document
Changing to a different template
Using the Template
Create and customize table of contents
Table of contents. Hierarchy of headings.
Customization of table of contents.
Character styles. Maintaining a table of contents.
Implement Mail Merge
Advance concept of mail merge in word processing
Creating a main document
Creating the data source
Entering data in the fields
Merging the data source with main document
Editing individual document
Printing a letter and its address label